We’ve created some guidelines to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, content, and trademarks, without having to negotiate legal agreements for each use. To make any use of our marks in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact and include a visual mockup of the intended use.
NTS has two official colors: Dark Red and Dark Blue. These colors have become a recognizable identifier for the company.
Use Dark Red and Dark Blue as the dominant color palette for all internal and external visual presentations.
The Secondary colors are complementary to our official colors, but are not recognizable identifiers for our company. Secondary colors should be used sparingly and for specific products or services identified to use specific secondary colors.
Do not use secondary colors for text. Only use white (#FFFFFF) or black (#000000) text over secondary color backgrounds. Secondary colors may be used with our core colors, but this should be limited.
HEX: #810002 | RGB: 129 0 2 | CMYK: 14 88 94 39
HEX: #EE1C29 | RGB: 23 28 41 | CMYK: 0 94 81 0
HEX: #D2232A | RGB: 210 35 42 | CMYK: 10 96 85 2
HEX: #181946 | RGB: 27 25 71 | CMYK: 92 81 17 43
HEX: #25408F | RGB: 37 64 143 | CMYK: 97 81 6 0
HEX: #000000 | RGB: 0 0 0 | CMYK: 0 0 0 100
HEX: #39393B | RGB: 57 58 60 | CMYK: 80 73 66 32
HEX: #FFFFFF | RGB: 255 255 255 | CMYK: 0 0 0 0
NTS headlines are set in Montserrat. When using Montserrat to create headings on embedded or printed collateral for NTS, always typeset bold (700 weight). When using Montserrat to typeset headings on the web, set the letter spacing to 2px for smaller headlines and 0px for larger headlines.
Typeset all text and paragraph text in Montserrat. Do not set in all caps or all lowercase. When using Montserrat to typeset text on the web, set the letter spacing to 0px for normal paragraphs.
Montserrat | 52 pt | 700 wt
Montserrat | 36 pt | 700 wt
Montserrat | 30 pt | 700 wt
Montserrat | 16 pt | 700 wt
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